Everyday by Noah K

Jenny found this online the other day and it is absolutely amazing. I’m sure it’s old news to some as it seems to be 2 years old or so, but it was new to me!

Take a look here.

It is just beautiful, amazing and sort of shows how time just flashes by. I haven’t seen anything so cool for a good while so hopefully people reading here will have the same experience.

The news pieces that are on the website with the video talk about how he can count his girlfriends, the places he lived – all the stuff that just kind of gets lost usually. I want to do it myself even though it wouldn’t be too original – it’d just be cool to see my own life in the same way a few years down the line.

Anyway, that’s it for now.

Thanks for reading,

Happy Vibes,


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One Response to “Everyday by Noah K”

  1. Laura Says:

    My brother sent me this a while ago and it is stunning! Good luck to you both on folksy btw!

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